Welcome to Boonton Scouting Pack 201!

Boonton's Cub Scout Program is for kindergarten through fifth grade boys and girls. The Cub Scouts have regular monthly meetings and often include games, speakers, skits, and crafts. Some of our regular activities include the pinewood derby, rain gutter regatta, parade marching, camping and hiking. We help our town by participating in food drives, clean-ups and more.

Our Long Heritage and History

Scouting came to Boonton with the chartering of Troop 1 on September 9, 1910. The same year that Robert Baden-Powell brought Scouting to the United States. Francis E. Norris was the first Scoutmaster of Boonton Troop 1.  The Troop has been in continuous service ever since.

Over the last one-hundred years, Boonton Scouts have sponsored two other troops. In the 1920's, Troop 2 was formed, but became inactive, then became active again in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s before merging into Troop 1. Most recently active from 1951-1992. Later, during the 1940's, Troop 3 was formed and lasted approximately 20 years before disbanding. The Troop restarted in 1956 at St.Cyril’s Church. Troop 71 was active in the 1940’s and the early 1950’s at our Lady of Mount Carmel Church.

Visit our Facebook group to learn more: https://www.facebook.com/groups/boontoncubscouts

How we give back to our community

  • Scouting for food, annual food drive for Our Lady of Mount Carmel's food pantry

  • Town clean-up day

  • Planting flags on Veterans Day in all town cemeteries